Exercises for the abdomen for men: fitness complex for weight loss

A toned torso with a raised abdominals is a dream for many men. After all, a sports figure always attracts the views of the opposite sex. If you have accumulated excess fat in the abdomen and sides, then only comprehensive work on yourself will help get rid of it. Various diets and medications will not give the desired result and may even harm your health. The basis for success in the process of losing weight and forming the cherished abs cubes are regular fitness training, giving up bad habits and a healthy diet.

Reasons for the appearance of a "beer belly" in men

  • Improper nutrition. Fast food, fatty fried foods, smoked meats, flour products and overeating all lead to malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, which often lead to obesity.
  • Lack of physical activity. Sedentary work, weekends on the couch are the key to the appearance of excess fat not only on the stomach and sides. Due to a sedentary lifestyle and the absence of any fitness exercises, excess weight is gained at a rapid rate.
  • Genetic predisposition and chronic diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus). In this case, it will not be possible to achieve the slimness of the athlete, but regular fitness classes will help control weight and make the figure proportional.
  • Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol have a direct impact on the functioning of the entire body.

How to get rid of the belly and sides: fitness training and proper nutrition

for losing weight in the abdomen, in addition to exercise, proper nutrition is important

The key to success in getting rid of fat folds on the abdomen and sides is an integrated approach. If you stick to any diet and ignore fitness, then belly fat will decrease, but it will not add attractiveness to your appearance. All you get is loose muscles and saggy skin. Therefore, fitness training is a mandatory aspect in solving this problem. At the same time, you do not need to starve yourself at all, it is enough just to adhere to the basic principles of a healthy balanced diet.

  • Eliminate frankly unhealthy foods, fatty foods and simple carbohydrates from your diet. Give preference to vegetables, fruits, cereals, chicken, turkey and beef.
  • Drink plenty of clean water. Mineral without gas or purified is suitable.
  • Avoid strong tea, coffee, sugary soda, and store-bought packaged juices - they are high in sugar.
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.

By adhering to these simple principles and doing regular fitness workouts, you will notice significant changes in your figure in a couple of weeks. In addition, such a regimen will have a beneficial effect on the general state of health.

Fitness classes in the gym and at home

If you want to get rid of the "beer belly" and tighten your figure in general, giving your muscles relief, fitness classes in the gym are a great option. A professional trainer will help you design a personalized fitness training program based on your physical condition. In addition, under the guidance of an experienced instructor, you will quickly be able to master the correct technique for performing fitness exercises and choose the optimal weights for working with simulators. And the presence of more trained athletes in the gym will serve as additional motivation to exercise.

If, for some reason, you do not have the opportunity to attend a sports club, you can organize fitness trainings at home (or on the sports ground in the yard). For home workouts you will need:

  • Comfortable clothing that does not hinder movement, wicks away sweat and is breathable.
  • Some sports equipment: dumbbells, exercise mat.
  • Free time and spacious premises.

You can conduct home fitness classes at any time convenient for you - in the morning or in the evening after a working day. The main thing is the regularity of training and focus on results. If you are lazy and skip planned fitness workouts, your efforts will not bring the desired result.

Fitness exercises for working out the press for men

exercise plank for slimming belly

Every fitness workout should start with a warm up and end with a cool down. Running (at the stadium, on the spot, on the stairs), jumping rope, any rhythmic dance movements to music are suitable as a warm-up. The cool down should consist of stretching fitness exercises that will help relax your muscles after intense exertion and promote muscle recovery.

  • Classic crunches.

    Performed from a supine position, feet hip-width apart and bent at the knees. The feet rest tightly against the surface of the floor, hands - on the back of the head. With a strong but not abrupt movement, lift your upper torso off the floor and stretch your chest toward your knees. The lower back during this fitness exercise should be firmly pressed against the floor surface. The movement is performed only by the abdominal muscles.

  • Side crunches.

    The starting position is the same as in the previous fitness exercise. Twists are performed to the side - that is, when lifting the shoulder region, you need to try to reach with your elbow to the knee of the opposite leg.

  • Raises the legs.

    Performed from a supine position, arms extended along the body, legs together. With the effort of the abdominal muscles, you need to raise the legs closed together to a right angle with the floor surface. Performing this element of fitness, you need to lower your legs smoothly, controlling the movement of the abdominal muscles.

  • Raises the arms and legs.

    The initial position is lying on your back. Hands - on the sides, legs - together and raised perpendicular to the body. With a deep exhalation, it is necessary to tear off the shoulder and arms from the floor, trying to reach the feet with your fingers. When doing this fitness exercise, do not make sudden movements - this can cause muscle sprains, especially if you have not been physically active for a long time.

  • Plank.

    One of the most effective fitness exercises for working your abs, thighs, glutes, back and arms. It is performed from a lying position (as for push-ups). The body should form a straight line, resting on the arms or elbows and on the toes. When doing this fitness exercise, make sure that there are no bends in the lower back. In the plank position, you need to hold out for at least 30 seconds, increasing this time by 15 seconds every week.

These basic fitness exercises can help you shed excess belly and flank fat in a short time and make your figure slim and fit. Fitness beginners should not push too hard and train to the point of exhaustion. It is enough to perform 2-3 sets of exercises, 12-15 repetitions in each. After two to three weeks of training, you can add weights and do exercises with dumbbells in your hands.